Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cowtown Classic Champion!

Last Saturday the team behind Rock Paper Scissors: a geek tragedy took over the Plaza Theatre in Calgary for an encore screening of the award winning documentary film and brought the spirit of RPS competition to town with the inaugural Cowtown Classic Pro-Am Championships.

After enjoying the screening the audience got down to business knocking back countless Steamwhistle beers and putting their best fist forward. The final of the fiercely contested event came down to one throw, with a textbook scissors finally launching local player Mike Peters into the annals of RPS history. Peters was crowned Calgary’s first official RPS champion, taking home the coveted trophy and the admiration of everyone in the theatre.

“This is the greatest day of my life,” said Peters, after hoisting the trophy above his head and waving to the crowd who had stayed to watch the action unfold.

On hand to officiate the event was Douglas Walker, Managing Director of the World RPS Society and one of the main subjects of McKeown’s documentary. When asked about the event, Douglas suggested that he had never seen “such natural talent” at an inaugural RPS tournament.

Get ready for 2009!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Calgary BUZZ

Are you keeping your mind sharp and fists at the ready for this Saturday's Cowtown classic Pro-Am RPS tourney? Either way the buzz about the screening and the RPS show down is building. Take a look at what City TV and the Calgary Herald have to say.

Director Mike McKeown chats with City TV.

RPS in the Calgary Herald.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Calgary Screening THIS SATURDAY!

We know you've been itching for this day to come! Yes RPS is back in cowtown for one night only. Following the screening will be the 1st annual Cowtown Classic RPS tournament.Get yourselves to the Plaza Theatre, 9pm on Saturday 15th. Director Mike McKeown will be in attendance as well as Douglas Walker from the film. Admission is $15 and gets you entered automatically into the Cowtown Classic. Take down your opponents and be crowned the number one RPS player in Calgary!

We are in need of your support and all proceeds from Saturday go towards fundraising efforts to finish the film and there will be opportunities to pick up RPS T-Shirts and donate directly to the cause. Roshambo!

RPS Tip #6: Men open with rock, women go with scissors.

Join our Facebook group and event for more up to date information and connect with your potential opponents!